Wednesday 11 June 2014

Series Of Strange Lights In The UK Has UFO Witnesses Bedazzled!

Over the past few weeks there have been growing numbers of UK residents reporting incidents that involve strange lights in the sky. People have been stargazing for the ISS (International Space Station) and have came across strange hovering lights in the sky which have "been moving in different directions" says one witness.

People all over the UK have been reporting these strange sightings and every single person has said that the UFO's have been hovering and moving in different directions.

It was reported that last week a major search for the strange lights in the sky secretly took place that involved a UK police helicopter in searching for the strange lights in the sky because of how many people reported the same incident.

If a helicopter had to go out and investigate the airspace then there was definitely an unidentified flying object which still remains a mystery for now!

Another Earthquake Hits California!

Earthquakes aren't new in California and it has been reported that today 11th June 2014, an earthquake measuring 4.0 has trembled through Barstow  just North East of Los Angeles.

There has been many mini quakes over the past year in California mainly due to tectonic activity near San Andreas Fault. 

No injuries from this earthquake have been reported so far. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

AQA Math Exams Spark Further Stress For GCSE Students All Over The Country!

As we know students all around the UK sat their GCSE Maths Paper 1 Non-Calculator Exam on Monday June 9th and from the basis of social networking sites, everybody feels like they have already failed their maths. "Luckily" every student has a chance to redeem themselves on their Paper 2 Calculator Exam which is to be sat on Friday 13th June.

Judging from everybody's frustration on social networking sites about the maths exam, we now know that it was one of the most difficult math exams that AQA has ever set for students. People have commented on the exam that the questions were very random and the questions were worded in a way that was not understandable. Apparently the first few pages of the exam were good enough to get the students head around but then it got so difficult students felt so stressed that they had to feel like they had already failed.

Hopefully seeing as this exam was difficult, the next one will be easy. Also the grade boundaries could be lower than before as this exam was difficult, but we will have to wait and see.

Friday 13th will be the day that students sit their second maths exam and as they wait stress is rising, but hopefully this exam is better enough to get around!

If you're a student then you should not worry because by the looks of things, everybody felt like they had failed that exam because of how difficult it was meaning you still have a chance to get the grade you want!

Morse Code Crop Circle Appears In United Kingdom!

A mysterious crop circle has appeared in Winchester in the United Kingdom on June 6th 2014!

"Its fallen crop traces out a thin, right-handed spiral of slightly more than four turns, which contains both “short dots” and “long dashes” for international Morse code"

The Morse code of the crop circle translates to "No More War"

Is this a sign of aliens watching us and all of these unidentified flying objects that have been seen in the past few years are trying to get the message to us humans that we need to surrender our weapons for a better cause?

Crop circles have not been anything new over recent years, there have been many cases of crop circles all over the world especially in the UK. Major crop circles appeared at Stonehenge in 1996 and onward through the years depicting strange circle patterns which have been unable to be translated.

Are these growing numbers of crop circles a sign of what is to come?

                                               Wiltshire, United Kingdom, June 6th 2014

UKIP's Success Has Labour Jeopardized From Winning The Election

As we know UKIP has been very successful so far in the general election with the majority of the UK public backing them and their manifesto. Labour is now jeopardized from winning the general election this year as more and more people are voting for UKIP than they are for Labour. The UK has seen promises made by each party but never made them and now it looks like it's UKIP's turn. So far UKIP has the most votes and battling for the first place in second place is Labour followed by the other parties.

The general election this year has caused friction between the parties especially the MP's that are not apart of UKIP.

It has became apparent that the UK public would like someone in power that will stick by their manifesto and so far UKIP seems to be the option that the public are voting for.

Students All Over UK In Anger Over AQA Maths Exam!

Yesterday, 9th June, students all over the UK sat their non calculator GCSE Maths Exam. How it went for everyone, well everyone made it clear how it went when everyone disputed on social networking sites such as Twitter for example their rage towards the exam and how difficult it was. A lot of the rage came form students who sat the Higher Tier paper. A lot of students commented that most of the questions were too difficult and were quite irrelevant compared to what they have previously learned in class before the exam. Either that or the questions were worded confusingly instead of making it clear of how students were meant to answer the questions.

It seems that as the years have been going on judging by the mock exams from a few years ago, the exams are getting more difficult each year!

Seeing as everyone struggled with the math exams this year, maybe the grade boundaries will be the lowest they have ever been so that students all over the UK will get their C's or above.

Students are yet to sit their next maths exam on Friday 13th June which will be the calculator paper. Hopefully this exam will be a lot easier for students seeing as the first paper was a struggle.

Meanwhile students are still in the aftermath of the struggle of the first math paper and are taking it out on AQA on Twitter. Judging by all of the comments on Twitter, the maths GCSE exam has been the hardest exam yet. We will just have to wait and see if paper two will be any different and whether students will have find it much easier!